Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Interrupt Those Patterns!

We celebrated tonight as the final total of weight loss for the day was 104.1 pounds! To beat the last Team Challenge, this group needs to lose 97.6 pounds per week for the next three weeks. One down...two to go!

Our noon group awarded the jackets to a team for the third time! Congratulations to team "Barely Breathing" with a weight loss % of 1.53 for the week. Our thanks go out to Debbie T. of team "Raising the Bar" for the beautiful jewelry she donated for our drawing this week. Four of our team mates at noon and at six were gifted with these beautiful bracelets!

Our big winners for the day were in the building at our 6PM weigh-in. Team "Lighten the Load" took the team prize with a weight loss % of 1.71 for the week! Congratulations to Gena and Cheryl! It's been fun to watch you peel off those cubes of Challenge butter! A duffel bag full of good gifts, were presented to the team tonight!

Our Focus today was the concept of interrupting patterns. The habits and patterns that have caused weight gain...and the habits and patterns that cause people to put weight back on.
Interrupting patterns is a BIG and important tool to change permanently. Pattern interrupts need to be outrageous and fun. Interrupting a pattern, an old habit is like taking a CD of music and scratching the surface...back and forth, back and forth. Try putting that CD back into the disc player...that music is lost forever. The same thing happens with us, we must find a way to interrupt, scratch the old patterns and never experience them again.

Practice an outrageous pattern interrupt! Write the patten interrupt on your program journal and bring it in to the Team Challenge next week. The most outrageous one at noon and six, wins a prize!

Two weeks to go teams...make them count!

Always encouraging you,

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Rally Caps!

I love baseball! Today's Team Challenge was all about baseball! The complete game, the quality start, and the rally caps to shift the momentum for a strong finish! The seventh inning stretch gave us an opportunity to stretch a bit and sing with Jimmy Buffet, Take me out to the ballgame! 119.7 pounds were lost today at the Team Challenge!

The noon time group continues to impress me with their outstanding effort and results! They lost 60 pounds and had one little "Hoo Ah!" Team 'Pot Luck Pastors' not only won the prize for the noon group with a weight loss % of 2.69...but they won the top spot for the day! Congratulations to Barry and Bruce, I'm so proud of the two of you!

The coveted jackets were passed on to yet another deserving team tonight at six. Team 'Champions: Team Challenge' won with a weight loss % of 2.6 for the week! Both teams were awarded with "Healthy Weigh for Life." These four contestants were elated and we celebrate with them!

As we are approaching the last innings of this game, the focus today was about having a strong finish! sometimes it takes a rally cap to shift the momentum.

How many times have you started the game…you’ve started to lose weight, felt a lot better, started to fit into clothes you haven’t been able to wear in years, people telling you how good you look…but never finished the game!? Had a quality start, but had a weak finish?

Question for you…how much thought have you given to your weight loss program after the team challenge? Will you have a complete game? Did you come in to this game to play a few innings and stop short…or do you want a quality start and a strong finish?

Do you know how many games are won and lost in the last 3 innings? How you perform from here on out will determine the finish you have.

Your first 7 innings have been awesome. You’ve put forth great effort…about now is when the team that really wants the win, steps up and puts on their rally caps!!! It’s time to put on the rally caps.

This is when you step up and say…this is my win. No one can take this from me. I am the only one that can win my game and the winning starts now. Right here with me and my rally cap!

Don’t let this quality start end without a win. EVERYONE of you have the opportunity to win…not the $1000…but something more important than that. The big win, going for the home run( the tater), being at goal weight, and learning to experience the rest of your life on maintenance!

Come in next week with your goal date written down on a piece of paper.

Rally Caps people…this is when the real fun begins!

See you next week!