She gave us a gift of "courage" to honestly look at our relationships with food. Whether we see food as a way to get our needs met, we have believed shame messages about ourselves, or we need courage to face our fears, Glenda helped us let go of the unexpressed feelings that cause us to turn to food.
She asked us..."What do you need courage to let go of?"
- Relationship with Food
- Shame
- Fears
- Grief
- Anger
- Disappointments
I will stop using food to...
I have lived in shame and have believed the lies of...
I fear...
I need to grieve...
I am angry at...
I am deeply disappointed about...
Once we felt as though we had "let go," we ripped up our papers and threw them in the garbage. (would have been on a helium balloon except for the helium shortage)
Glenda said that if we want our weight loss journey to be successful, it will be important to let go of things that we hold on to. It is important to see the relationship with food that we were intended to have and to see the relationship with people that we are intended to have to truly get our needs met.
Thank you Glenda for sharing your wisdom with us. It was a life changing day.
Our winning teams of the day:
Noon Team "Babies got back into shape" Denise and Kelly won for the week with a 1.54% of weight loss!
6PM Team "Shrinky Dinks" Spencer and Jamie won with a 2.51% of weight loss!
Congratulations to you all! What a great week!
At noon, not too many people took home the $2000 for a 4 pound loss for the week, but the evening group rocked! Congratulations to all of you who had such great loss for the week!
A special Congratulations to Matt reaching his 100 pound weight loss mark today! We're proud of you Matt! You are an inspiration to us all!
Your Challenge for the week:
• Take time to do today's activity again/write it on a balloon
• Download week Five “Exercise and Weight Loss ~ It’s a Math Problem” and do the homework provided
I announced the Christmas project that The Healthy Weigh is going to be involved with. "The Giving Closet" and "WHO" (Winter Hospitality Overflow) are joining together with some local businesses to provide day and night shelter during these cold winter months. Families involved with this program are on the waiting list with Vancouver housing authority for low income housing. In the meantime, they'll be sheltered this winter.
The Giving Closet will be hosting a Christmas party Monday, December 23rd for the families involved. They will provide a hot meal, gifts, and Santa will even be there! The Healthy Weigh will provide financial aid to purchase gift cards for the families. We will have a gift box available the next two weigh in's for any that would like to donate. We also would love to have you sign up to serve at the party on the 23rd. We will have a sign up sheet for that as well!
I'll miss you next Thursday as we are all celebrating Thanksgiving with our loved ones. I know that each of you have the tools and the motive to have a healthy holiday and feel proud of your choices come Dec. 5th at our next weigh in! I look forward to seeing you all then!
Giving thanks for all of you.