We weighed- in close to 100 teams Thursday, took before pictures and introduced our teams by hearing their fun and creative team names. Team Challenge 25 and they're still coming up with new names! It was exciting for me to meet new faces and welcome home some familiar faces to lose weight this spring and learn about the stages of CHANGE.
There are basic principles that reveal the structure of change...and that's what we are going to examine and master in the next ten weeks. We are going to learn about and become "self-changers."
I chose a mantra that will help us as we travel through the next ten weeks... "If is doesn't challenge you, it won't change you." I encouraged our self-changers to write it down, use it as a screen saver, get tattoos :-)...what ever it takes to see it often and verbalize it as many times as possible in the next ten weeks as we CHANGE.
The change I'm going to guide our self-changers through in the next ten weeks isn't going to focus on food, what we can and can't eat. Following our great nutritional plan is a must to lose weight and feel better, but it's not the CHANGE I'm going after. We're going to spend the next ten weeks changing the way we think about ourselves, our relationship with food and our relationship with others. Our thought life will have everything to do with the changes we'll make. Albert Einstein said "We can't solve the problems we've created with the same thinking that created them,"and that's why we believe at The Healthy Weigh, if you change your thinking, you'll change your life! CHANGE is going to happen at The Healthy Weigh this spring! I'm excited!!
I introduced a little, and I mean little, incentive to inspire individuals as well as teams with their weight loss in the next ten weeks. The one individual each week with the greatest % of weight loss will receive a little sliver heart. After giving my heart to The Healthy Weigh for the last 25 years, I thought it was appropriate to give a heart, a sliver one at that, to our top winner of the week.
- Decorate your folders to inspire you!
- Fill out your food and exercise record and bring it back in with your name written on it.
The Spring Team Challenge 2015 has officially begun! Let the CHANGE begin!!
Always encouraging you,