13.2 Beauty & The Beast |
12.7 Wild Zumba Lumpas |
12.4 The Branches |
11.8 Trim The Fat |
10.8 Flaca |
10.4 Broadway Babes |
9.9 The Sunsationals |
9.9 No D’oh |
9.8 Hips Hips Aweigh |
9.0 Reduce The Caboose |
8.9 Moms On A Mission |
8.5 Downsizing Divas |
8.3 Slimming Siblings |
8.3 Sister Chicks |
7.6 Teacher Teacher! |
7.5 Weight No More |
7.5 Pier Pressure |
7.5 Butt-er-fly B Free |
7.5 “She Aint Heavy, She’s My Sister!” |
7.3 Blast From The Past |
7.1 Perky, Peppy, Prima Donna’s |
6.9 Starlite |
6.8 Extraordinary Thighs |
6.7 Dynamic Duo |
6.5 Git R Done |
6.5 Driver’s License Redemption |
6.3 Unbroken |
6.2 Made For More |
6.0 Ready To Launch |
5.6 Hats On Pounds Off |
5.5 Forever Better |
5.5 Booty-B-Gone |
5.4 Double Trouble |
5.1 Weigh To Go |
4.8 Weapons of mASS Destruction |
4.8 Hot Squad |
4.5 Incredible Shrinking Divas |
4.4 Bums Away |
4.2 Warriors A Go Go |
4.2 Trash Divas |
4.1 Les Chiennes Minces |
3.6 Weapons of Mass Reduction |
3.4 A Team |
3.2 Walk Away From The Cupcake |
3.0 Guns & Roses |
2.3 Not So Ordinary |
1.7 Blast Off |
1.4 Thinner Winner’s |
1.1 Weight Strippers |
1.0 The Incredible Bulks |
-.1 Sharing The Adventure |
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Team Challenge Standings as of 08/30/11
Road Blocks, Clues, Detours and Pit Stops!

Extraordinary people stay focused when they come up to a road block,take clues from their environment,they don't let detours determine their outcome and they make really quick pit stops!
Tuesday's Team Challenge was another one of those days to remember. We celebrated GREAT weight loss, saw people reach their goal weight, gave a standing ovation to yet another one of our friends reaching his 100 lb mark(GREAT JOB KRIS!)and were introduced to the theme of the Fall Team Challenge!
While I was talking about road blocks, clues, detours and pit stops, we were interrupted by a team from the "Amazing Race" looking for their final destination!What a time we had letting them know that "they were the first team to arrive!" It was also our opportunity to introduce our Fall theme, The Amazing Race! We are going to have a crazy adventure Oct. 11th through Dec. 13th! Can't wait!
In the mean time, we are focused on the last two weeks of this Extraordinary Life Team Challenge. At noon and Six we had two teams win for the day who have never been number one for the week! Team 'Starlight' at noon with a 2.14 % of weight loss took the win and had one of their members reach her goal weight today. Congratulations Grethe and Fay! And Fay and extra shout out for reaching your goal today! At Six, 'Hips Hip A Weigh' won for the evening with a 2.01% of weight loss! Jackie and Connie were surprised and excited! Good job you two!
We had a good number of people in our 2.5 pound drawing to win the car detailing by Andrew and apprentice Mark! Heather and Connie and going to have shiny, clean cars! Andrew, thank you for this donation and your support. This prize really inspired people this week to get in that drawing!
We announced our three week "Training Schedule" in between our Team Challenges. We won't be letting up with the support and encouragement for all the clients who are going from one Team Challenge to the next. From cooking classes to conflict resolution, we are ALWAYS looking for ways to inspire and educate our clients!
We've got some great work to do in the next two weeks! Stay focused, dream big and have a fantastic week!
YOUR CHALLENGE FOR THE WEEK: Show up next Tuesday! :-)
Always encouraging you.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Team Challenge Standings as of 08/23/11
11.8 Beauty & The Beast |
11.6 Wild Zumba Lumpas |
10.7 Trim The Fat |
10.6 The Branches |
9.6 Flaca |
9.2 Broadway Babes |
9.0 No D’oh |
8.2 The Sunsationals |
8.2 Reduce The Caboose |
7.9 Slimming Siblings |
7.9 Hips Hips Aweigh |
7.7 Downsizing Divas |
7.5 Pier Pressure |
7.5 “She Aint Heavy, She’s My Sister!” |
7.1 Sister Chicks |
7.1 Moms On A Mission |
7.1 Made For More |
6.9 Weight No More |
6.8 Teacher Teacher! |
6.8 Butt-er-fly B Free |
6.7 Perky, Peppy, Prima Donna’s |
6.5 Git R Done |
6.2 Driver’s License Redemption |
5.9 Extraordinary Thighs |
5.7 Unbroken |
5.6 Blast From The Past |
5.5 Forever Better |
5.4 Hats On Pounds Off |
5.4 Booty-B-Gone |
5.3 Dynamic Duo |
4.9 Weigh To Go |
4.8 Starlite |
4.8 Ready To Launch |
4.7 Hot Squad |
4.7 Bums Away |
4.5 Incredible Shrinking Divas |
4.2 Weapons of mASS Destruction |
4.2 Double Trouble |
3.9 Weapons of Mass Reduction |
3.7 Trash Divas |
3.1 Warriors A Go Go |
3.1 Les Chiennes Minces |
3.1 A Team |
3.0 Guns & Roses |
2.8 Walk Away From The Cupcake |
2.3 Thinner Winner’s |
2.3 Not So Ordinary |
1.7 Blast Off |
1.0 Sharing The Adventure |
.8 The Incredible Bulks |
.6 Weight Strippers |
They Just Kept At It!

We celebrate the lives of ordinary people today who did extraordinary things. People who over came obstacles, failed at what they were trying to accomplish and didn't have the support that people need to do great things...but they just kept at it! People like Lucille Ball who was told she'd never be an actress and Michael Jordan who was cut from his high school basketball team.
We talked about ordinary people who kept at it...who created extraordinary lives. Extraordinary lives cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved. A person living their very best story, living an extraordinary life is not one who never failed but one who NEVER QUITS...they just keep at it!
We lost 130.2 pounds today! Our noon time group really rocked it this week with 61.6 pounds! Congratulations to you at noon that really had some amazing losses this week! Team 'Teacher Teacher' won the prize for the day with a 2.28 % of weight loss. Marianne and Marna, congratulations on a great week! You're not going to be recognized when you go back to school next week. We'll miss you at noon! Thank you to Ryan of 'Beauty and the Beast' for the Bed, Bath and Beyond gift cards! Marna and Marianne are going to have fun with those!
At 6, team 'No D'ohs' won for the night with a 2.16% of weight loss. Jim and Shelle, you two had a great week! Congratulations! A big thanks to Bob from team 'Forever Better' for the $200 in product from City Bark! What a great prize!
As we focused on perseverance this week, I announced that next week we will be unveiling the details of the Fall Team Challenge! You won't want to miss the exciting news about our next Team Challenge. Making the decision to continue on is what reaching goals is all about. It's what ordinary people do who live extraordinary lives...they just keep at it!
We still have three weeks left in THIS Team Challenge, so I threw out a challenge to kick it up a notch!
Your 1st challenge for the week:
Lose 2.5 pounds and be entered into a drawing to have your car detailed by Andrew and apprentice, Mark!
Your 2nd challenge for the week:
Listen to week #6 of the CD series Body~Soul~Spirit, the spiritual perspective, and do the homework provided.
"JUST KEEP AT IT"...that is the battle cry of extraordinary people! It's going to be another great week...I can feel it!
Have a terrific week re-writing your stories! Keep at it!
Always encouraging you,
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Team Challenge Standings as of 08/16/11
10.6 Beauty & The Beast |
9.8 The Branches |
9.6 Wild Zumba Lumpas |
9.3 Trim The Fat |
9.0 Flaca |
8.3 The Sunsationals |
8.1 Moms On A Mission |
8.1 “She Aint Heavy, She’s My Sister!” |
7.9 Broadway Babes |
7.7 Downsizing Divas |
7.1 Sister Chicks |
7.0 No D’oh |
6.8 Reduce The Caboose |
6.8 Hips Hips Aweigh |
6.8 Butt-er-fly B Free |
6.6 Slimming Siblings |
6.3 Blast From The Past |
6.2 Pier Pressure |
6.1 Perky, Peppy, Prima Donna’s |
6.1 Made For More |
6.0 Weight No More |
5.5 Git R Done |
5.5 Dynamic Duo |
5.4 Driver’s License Redemption |
5.0 Double Trouble |
4.9 Forever Better |
4.9 Extraordinary Thighs |
4.8 Ready To Launch (We’re Movin’ Up People!) |
4.7 Teacher Teacher! |
4.7 Starlite |
4.6 Hats On Pounds Off |
4.3 Booty-B-Gone |
4.1 Weapons of mASS Destruction |
4.0 Hot Squad |
3.9 Bums Away |
3.8 Weigh To Go |
3.8 Unbroken |
3.8 Incredible Shrinking Divas |
3.5 Weapons of Mass Reduction |
3.3 Trash Divas |
3.1 Les Chiennes Minces |
3.0 Guns & Roses |
2.3 Warriors A Go Go |
2.3 Walk Away From The Cupcake |
2.3 Thinner Winner’s |
2.1 Not So Ordinary |
2.0 A Team |
1.9 Blast Off |
1.1 Weight Strippers |
1.0 Sharing The Adventure |
.1 The Incredible Bulks |
Changing Your Beliefs...it's what's happening

It's happening at The Healthy Weigh and it's exciting to watch! Your beliefs ALWAYS dictate your actions, so the key to any permanent change is all about your belief system. We were fortunate to have Glenda take her time to teach us more about this critical subject.
Both our noon time group and our 6 PM group had second time winners this week. At noon team 'sunsationals' took the win and the prizes for the week with a 1.48% of weight loss. Heather and Robyn are making great progress during this 10 week challenge! At 6, 'The Branches' won for the day with a 1.86% of weight loss. Congratulations to Annie and Jenn, their life time friendship is working for them as they partner in this important journey!
As much as I love to see great weight losses from our clients each week during these powerful 10 week Team Challenges, I'm more encouraged by the changes I see in the thought life of our clients. My purpose as I move through each week challenge is to provide motivation, inspiration and education so that goals will be met and lives will be changed. The information we heard yesterday was one of the most important lessons we'll hear durning our time together. I hope that you really spend time on the challenges put before you this week to get the most of of what was taught.
1. Choose at least two; Identify what you believe about conflict, self-care, your worthiness/deserving great things in life,or exercise and examine your actions that flow from those beliefs. Are they getting you what you want out of life or do you need to consider changing those beliefs to live a EXTRAORDINARY life?
2. Listen to CD Week # 5“Exercise and Weight Loss ~ It’s a math problem.” Come in next week with your maintenance calories calculated!
Make this week a week to remember, won't you? One of the ways to change your beliefs is to start "acting as if." Have an outstanding week acting as if you have extraordinary courage and purpose! I look forward to the weigh in next week!
Always encouraging you,
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Talking about PAWS at The Healthy Weigh?

Our focus for the week was PAWS. Not because we have so many animal lovers participating in The Team Challenge, but because we are a community of people serious about permanent change. PAWS...Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome.
After reading an article last week about PAWS, I was inspired to share this very important message. There are two basic stages of withdrawal that people go through when they are working to change a destructive behavior. Acute, which usually last a few weeks, and Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome which can last up to two years. With PAWS you have fewer physical symptoms, but more emotional and psychological ones. PAWS occurs because our brain chemistry is gradually returning to normal or changing. Weight loss happens a lot faster than our brain can change!
One of the keys to navigating through PAWS successfully is to be intentional about self care and rewards. Everything we do, we do out of our need to avoid pain or seek pleasure. The reward system is a CRUCIAL part of changing the way we think permanently to change the way we act in regards to food. We must link pleasure to this new life style, this new way of eating so that we make new pathways in our brain! It is completely necessary to transfer what you believe pleasure was to a new belief system for you to keep your weight off for life!
It's all about rewards...so we practiced what we preach and rewarded some fine people Tuesday! At noon team 'Dynamic Duo' were excited to take home the dry erase boards and the great lunch bags as well! Ed and Beverly had a great week with a 1.87% of weight loss for the week! Congratulations! Glenda was back so we got to experience her GELT! (Glenda's Extraordinary Living Tips!)Two of our team mates get to do a little shopping at Macy's, because rewards and self-care are what it's about this week!!
At Six, team 'Flaca' was thrilled when they came back from a rough week and took the win for the day with a 2.37% of weight loss! Jill and Jana, you are doing it! Congratulations for staying strong and showing us what you're made of this week! With the evening's weight loss, we lost a total of 172 pounds for the day! It was a great day at The Healthy Weigh!
1. REWARD YOURSELF! and make a list of planned rewards for weight loss and accomplishments!
2. Listen to week #4 of the CD series. 'Coping Skills~Feeling Your way Through Life' and do the homework provided.
It was another important week at our EXTRAORDINARY LIFE Team Challenge! We have a group of people reaching out to change their lives. It's an exciting place to be on Tuesdays!
Have a great week taking the BEST care of yourself and doing GOOD things for you.
Until next week my friends.
Always encouraging you,
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Team Challenge Standings as of 08/09/11
9.2 Beauty & The Beast |
9.1 Wild Zumba Lumpas |
8.1 Trim The Fat |
8.1 The Branches |
7.6 Flaca |
6.9 The Sunsationals |
6.9 Broadway Babes |
6.6 “She Aint Heavy, She’s My Sister!” |
6.5 Moms On A Mission |
6.5 Blast From The Past |
6.2 Slimming Siblings |
6.2 Pier Pressure |
6.2 Downsizing Divas |
6.1 Made For More |
6.0 Teacher Teacher! |
6.0 Reduce The Caboose |
6.0 Hips Hips Aweigh |
5.8 Perky, Peppy, Prima Donna’s |
5.7 No D’oh |
5.6 Sister Chicks |
5.4 Weight No More |
5.4 Butt-er-fly B Free |
5.3 Dynamic Duo |
5.1 Git R Done |
4.7 Incredible Shrinking Divas |
4.6 Unbroken |
4.1 Hot Squad |
4.1 Booty-B-Gone |
4.0 Forever Better |
3.8 Weigh To Go |
3.8 Hats On Pounds Off |
3.7 Weapons of mASS Destruction |
3.6 Driver’s License Redemption |
3.5 Extraordinary Thighs |
3.4 Trash Divas |
3.4 Ready To Launch |
3.4 Double Trouble |
3.1 Les Chiennes Minces |
3.1 Bums Away |
2.7 Starlite |
2.6 Thinner Winner’s |
2.5 Weapons of Mass Reduction |
2.5 Not So Ordinary |
2.5 Guns & Roses |
2.3 Warriors A Go Go |
2.1 Blast Off |
2.0 A Team |
1.8 Mootu Chotu |
1.6 Walk Away From The Cupcake |
1.1 Weight Strippers |
1.1 The Incredible Bulks |
.4 Sharing The Adventure |
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Team Challenge Standings as of 08/02/11
8.5 Beauty & The Beast |
7.5 Wild Zumba Lumpas |
7.3 The Branches |
7.2 Trim The Fat |
6.3 Broadway Babes |
5.9 Pier Pressure |
5.9 “She Aint Heavy, She’s My Sister!” |
5.6 Butt-er-fly B Free |
5.5 Made For More |
5.4 Flaca |
5.3 The Sunsationals |
5.2 No D’oh |
5.0 Teacher Teacher! |
5.0 Reduce The Caboose |
5.0 Downsizing Divas |
4.8 Sister Chicks |
4.7 Moms On A Mission |
4.6 Perky, Peppy, Prima Donna’s |
4.4 Slimming Siblings |
4.3 Weight No More |
4.2 Incredible Shrinking Divas |
4.1 Hips Hips Aweigh |
4.0 Forever Better |
3.9 Hats On Pounds Off |
3.8 Weapons of mASS Destruction |
3.8 Unbroken |
3.8 Booty-B-Gone |
3.4 Dynamic Duo |
3.3 Extraordinary Thighs |
3.2 Hot Squad |
3.0 Git R Done |
2.9 Driver’s License Redemption |
2.8 Weigh To Go |
2.8 Trash Divas |
2.6 Thinner Winner’s |
2.5 Bums Away |
2.2Weapons of Mass Reduction |
2.2 Not So Ordinary |
2.1 Warriors A Go Go |
2.1 Starlite |
2.0 Ready To Launch |
1.9 Blast Off |
1.9 A Team |
1.8 The Incredible Bulks |
1.8 Mootu Chotu |
1.8 Guns & Roses |
1.6 Les Chiennes Minces |
1.6 Double Trouble |
1.0 Walk Away From The Cupcake |
.8 Weight Strippers |
.4 Sharing The Adventure |
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

We had a little nutrition class Tuesday at The Healthy Weigh. This is a class I repeat every so often to continue to educate and motivate my clients about what is good for them. We are being overwhelmed with information about the "miracle foods of the 21st century." The key, as we look as these healthy food choices, is to be informed about calories, fat and healthy portions when we reach maintenance and add these foods back into our diets. I see clients every week who are consuming these "miracle foods" and not seeing the weight loss they'd like to see. It was an informative and fun class...that's the way we do things at The Healthy Weigh!
At Noon we had our first repeat team take the win! Team 'Wild Zumba Lumpas' won for the second time with a 1.50% of weight loss for the week! Congratulations to Betty and Katlyn, who, by the way, was out of town this week AND celebrated her birthday! Great job Katlyn! They celebrated with some great gifts and took the dry erase boards home for one more creative addition!
At Six 'The Branches' won for the first time with a 2.2% weight loss for the week! Congratulations to Annie and Jennifer for an outstanding week! A special congratulations to Annie...tonight she celebrated her 100 pound weight loss mark! What a great accomplishment!
A special presentation was made to Kris from team 'weapons of mASS destruction' as he gets closer to his 100 pound mark. Mary F. gifted him with a pair of suspenders...just in case! I love the fun and camaraderie at the Team Challenge!
We had fun this week meeting a couple new teams, celebrating more weight loss and looking ahead to the great opportunity to lose huge amounts of weight in the next 6 weeks! I offered up two challenges this week...
Listen to week # 3 on the CD series, "What's in Your Back Pack, Controlling What You Can" and do the homework in personal control guide #3.
For an added challenge...if you choose to accept it...Post something on Face Book this week! We want to hear from all 86 of you who are in our private group...and from some who aren't! This should be a fun week!
Six weeks to go...Lots of weight to lose, life to live, and changes to make! Keep choosing an extraordinary life! Make choices daily to listen to the writer of your very best story!
Always encouraging you.
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