Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome

Our focus for the week was PAWS. Not because I saw a big old PAW print out side of my tent this weekend while camping,  but because we are a community of people serious about permanent change. PAWS...Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome.

After reading an article recently about PAWS, I was inspired to share this very important message. There are two basic stages of withdrawal that people go through when they are working to change a destructive behavior. Acute, which usually last a few weeks, and Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) which can last up to two years. With PAWS you have fewer physical symptoms, but more emotional and psychological ones. PAWS occurs because our brain chemistry is gradually returning to normal or changing. Weight loss happens a lot faster than our brain can change! 

One of the keys to navigating through PAWS successfully is to be intentional about self care and rewards. Everything we do, we do out of our need to avoid pain or seek pleasure. The reward system is a CRUCIAL part of changing the way we think permanently to change the way we act in regards to food. We must link pleasure to this new life style, this new way of eating so that we make new pathways in our brain! It is completely necessary to transfer what you believe pleasure was to a new belief system for you to keep your weight off for life! 

Because we believe in the reward system at The Healthy Weigh, we rewarded a couple of teams for their outstanding participation this week.  
At Noon team 'Balsamic Camp Rangers' took the win with a 2.78% of weight loss for the week! Congratulations to Jamie and Gary for such a great job! Team 'Bubbalicious' won during the 6PM hour with 2.36 % weight loss for the week. Congratulation Ruth and Ami, you two really rocked it!! Thanks to Tobey, one of our fellow campers, all the team winners received a tee shirt straight from the Hawaiian Islands and a one hour deep tissue massage, for winning this week!  Thanks Tobey for your never ending support! 

As we head into week # 6 of this CAMP OUT Team Challenge we are well on our way to beating the record for the most weight lost at any Team Challenge so far. We've got a focused group of individuals that really know how to work this program. 

This week's challenge is a two part one:
1. Make a list of rewards...for small victories and big ones.
2. Listen to Week # 5 of the CD series..."Exercise and Weight Loss ~ It's a Math Problem." Be prepared to tell me your maintenance calories next week!

Have a terrific week, working the program and taking great care of yourselves.
See you Tuesday my friends.

Always encouraging you,

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