Wednesday, August 1, 2012

You Are What You Think!

Can you spell impressive??? THAT is what our Olympic teams were this first weigh-in of these summer games! Between the noon and 6 PM groups, our teams lost a combined weight of 744.2 pounds! They are off to a great start and I'm sure this is just the beginning of the greatest Team Challenge yet!

We kicked off each gathering by meeting our Alumni and hearing how much weight they have lost! WOW! It's hard to believe looking at them now that they ever looked any different! They are such an inspiration to all of us!

Our first two teams to win for the week not only took home the team Olympic uniform to decorate but they received $100 from our Generous sponsors, Glenda Bigalky and Barry Brandenburg.  Thanks to both of you for your love and support of our teams!

Congratulations to 'Hurdlin' Turtles', Betty and Bev, for winning at noon with a 5.33% of weight loss! You sisters are doing what it takes to win!
At 6PM, team 'Skinny Up' took the win with a 5.80% of weight loss! Great job Jessica and Tony. It's always cool to see husband and wives participate in the Team Challenge together!

We focused on our thought life at the Team Challenge this Tuesday. Thinking like an Olympian will not only get you to your goal weight, but it will keep you there! How you think has EVERYTHING to do with how you act! So the question is..."Is my desire for success and to improve my life strong enough to prompt me to change my thinking?" If the answer is yes, then the question becomes, how do I change my thinking?
I shared these tangible and practical points.
  • Expose yourself to good input
  • Expose yourself to good thinkers
  • Choose to think good thoughts
  • Act on good thoughts
  • Allow your emotions to create another good thought
I challenged our Olympians to give up "stinkin thinkin" for the rest of the Challenge! 
To help them do that, I introduced my CD series. This week I challenged the teams to download week one and do the homework provided.

Listen to week one "Understanding your beliefs, the key to permanent weight loss" and do the homework provided. Bring your homework back in next week for a ticket in the drawing.

I'm so excited to see how week two of the Team Challenge unfolds! I have a feeling it's gonna be good!!! Until next week.

Always encouraging you,

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