Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Best You!

It was another GREAT day at The Healthy Weigh! I'm not sure what made me smile bigger...the fun Zumba demonstration or the two teams that won at noon and 6!?

Thanks to Tresa & Beth from Zumba fitness! It was great to have you come and lead our clients and Alumni in a little Zumba demo! We appreciate the FREE Zumba passes too! I think burning calories the Zumba way looks like a lot of FUN!

I was especially excited yesterday with both our wining teams!  At Noon, Tim and Jerry took the win with a 1.61% of weight loss! Team "Beach Boys" are going to have fun decorating those shirts! Tim, has lost 110 pound with The Healthy Weigh and had NEVER won the weekly team prize until yesterday! Congratulations...and it's about time huh Tim??? :-)

At 6, it happened again! Team "Lota Lap A Losers" took the win with a 1.88% of weight loss! Tobey and Joanie were pretty excited! This is Tobey's 3rd Team Challenge and he has lost over 50 pounds and also had NEVER won for the week! Congratulations to you guys too. You are coming up your goal weights and you are looking wonderful!

Both of these teams were "arranged marriages." That's always fun to see those teams do well together!!

We talked about another important subject Tuesday...Visualization. Every great Olympian does it...and we should do it too! Olympians understand that the minds role in motivation and behavior is one of the most critical elements in their success!

I shared a personal story of a visualization technique that a counselor took me through years ago...a powerful technique that was life changing for me. It involved seeing in my minds eye, 'the best me.' I visualized in a quiet relaxed state, walking on a path. I saw myself there, walking, looking around, feeling the breeze and noticed in the distance that someone was walking towards me. As that person got closer and closer, I realized in my minds eye, that person was me...the best me.

It was a powerful experience for me because I immediately saw 'the best me' and realized that I wasn't living out that life. The question that was asked next was..."why not?"
I was aware that the only person keeping me from living out my best life...was me.  The result of that exercise brought about YEARS of change for me!

I challenged our Olympians to 'see' themselves this week in a place that makes sense to a classroom, at home, at the office, on a run...where ever you need to be, to connect to your BEST YOU!
Visualize yourself there...your best self. And then ask the important question...what's keeping my from being her/him?

Listen to week # 6  Body ~ Soul ~ Spirit  The Spiritual Perspective,  and do the homework provided.

Spend some time visualizing this week:
You at goal weight...or you one step closer to goal weight.
The best you.
A perfect day on program.

Champions do it...Winners do it...Olympians do it...VISUALIZE!

Always encouraging you,

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