Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I Will Seek Wisdom!

Tuesday we looked at our second DECISION..."I will Seek Wisdom."  Our second DECISION on our journey through The Travelers Gift and through our 10 week team Challenge. We folded up our first DECISION, "The Buck Stops Here" and placed it in our pocket for safe keeping and journeyed on.

This week we found ourselves in the temple of King Solomon.  We learned a lot about wisdom this week in Vancouver Washington! Most people mistake wisdom for education. Seeking wisdom is not the same as gaining knowledge, however it is a precursor to wisdom. 

Knowledge is the awareness and understand of facts, truth or information. Wisdom, is the ability to apply knowledge to your life.

King Solomon shared three things that we must do to seek wisdom.
1. Read
2. Choose your companions wisely
3. Serve others

We unpacked all three of those important precursors to wisdom Tuesday and we are ready to press in to the second decision this week.

We celebrated some GREAT weight loss too! Our winning teams were gifted with Nancy's famous cooking class and all that goes with it!  They will be acquiring wisdom for sure during that class! Congratulations to all you weekly winners!

Noon "Decision to Lose" Meretha and Heidi with a 2.13% of weight loss for the week
5:30   "We're Definitely Losin' It"  George and Terry with a 2.89% of weight loss for the week
7:00   "Junk Drunks"  Marci and Emily with a 5.63% of weight loss for the week

Our DECISION for the week starts out by saying "Knowing that wisdom waits to be gathered, I will actively seek her out. My past can never be changed, but I can change the future by changing my actions TODAY!"  My hope as we travel through this important 10 weeks, is that everyone will see this challenge as an opportunity to not only lose weight...but change FOREVER!

Your Challenge For The Week:
Read your second DECISION "I will Seek Wisdom" every day
Answer the questions on the back of your hand out,  using your own journal or note book, and bring back in next week

For those who have not heard the CD series or for those who choose to press in to a little extra homework to seek more wisdom :
Download off the web site and listen to "Understanding Your Beliefs, The Key to Permanent Weight Loss" and do the homework provided.

Decision 1: The Buck Stops Here.
Decision 2: I will Seek Wisdom.

Read, choose your companions well, and serve others until I see you again!

Always encouraging you,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You Go Girl- Keep Giving Us ENCOURAGEMENT & WISDOM!