Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Avoid Triggers!

As we near the ½ way mark of this 10 week Team Challenge, we are learning more and more about willpower and just how much control we have about it! We have the ability to grow it and we have the ability to use it up. It was POWERFUL to see the inspiration boards of so many of our clients today! It was great to see just what inspires us and what builds our willpower!
This week we learned that willpower is a limited resource. Like a muscle, we can stress it by over use. Willpower is simply the capacity to restrain impulses and do the BEST THING, even if it conflicts with what is preferred at the moment!  The question I had to ask my super heroes this week is…How often do you need to do that? (restrain impulses that is). We have a limited resource of willpower and we’ve got to pick and choose when to use it. If we’re smart about willpower, we won’t live a lifestyle where we are constantly drawing on our willpower to do the best things.
Many people position themselves and their lives in such a way that every day requires willpower!  Minimizing the number of battles you have to fight will conserve your energy and willpower for when you need it most!
Our next tip…and another powerful willpower booster!
We talked a lot Tuesday about the triggers that can throw us off while we are trying to make healthy choices and use our willpower for good! Triggers become crisis situations!
People with low willpower rely on self-control to get themselves out of crisis situations.People with high willpower use it to avoid the crisis in the first place!
Reserving willpower was an important thought of the day, but building willpower was too!
Scientists have discovered that the very act of doing something you feel reluctant to about helps you to build willpower so long as the tasks are important things. Performing them works your willpower muscle.

So to recap:Reserve willpower by making your environment safe and avoiding crisis all together.Build willpower by completing a task that you’ve been reluctant to do.
Our super hero winners of the week:
Noon: Team "Super Sisters," Cara and Tammy won for the week with a 2.59% of weight loss.6PM:   Team" Determined Daisies", Lynnell and Tia won for the week with a 2.13% of weight loss.
Congratulations to all of you!! These teams were gifted with $100 thanks to donations from Barry Brandenburg and Glenda Bigalky! We appreciate your support!
Our Super heroes for the day were Tammy L. with 7.5 pounds at noon and Matt L. with 9.1 pounds at 6! Congratulations to Kim T. winner of the $50 award for the 2.5 pound drawing!  (The 6 PM group finally won!!!)
Download week # 3 What's in Your Back Pack ~ Controlling What You Can and do the homework provided!
Get after a task that you've been reluctant to do and complete it!
We are building willpower...We are learning that we have a lot of control over how much willpower we really have! That's a good thing!!
We look forward to next week as we hear from one of our very own Alumni! It's going to be a great week!!
Until then,
Always encouraging you,




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So thankful for your blog! Unfortunately unable to stay last night and feeling out of the "loop" I remembered to check the blog!! Hopefully this cold will be on the mend and I'll be back next week! So thankful for you Letha!