Week three of the Summer Team Challenge was another successful week! Our teams lost a total of 230 pounds for the week! We are working hard to live a better story and losing a bunch of weight at the same time!
As we continue to look at re-writing our stories, at living a better story, I challenged our teams this week to listen to the writer. The writer being the author outside of ourselves who is moving us towards a better story. The one that knows right from wrong and nudges us to live our best life. It's the voice that says “Hold your tongue." "Don’t talk about other people that way." "Forgive the friends you haven’t talked to.” "I want you to look at the sunset.” "Think about how short life is and how your troubles aren’t worth worrying about.” It’s the voice that says, “Take care of yourself.” “ Say no thank you.” "Go for a walk with a friend.” "Don’t allow food to win.” “Don’t make food your idol.”
What if we were the character and we did what the writer wanted us to do...moment by moment, day by day. As uncomfortable as that might feel as we begin, we would start living a better story. When you are a better character, your story gets better too.
We are witnessing people living great stories every week at the Team Challenge! From our Alumni encouraging us to try new and different recipes, to our clients who are staying for the "after class" and getting powerful nuggets of education and group encouragement, we are telling better stories with our lives.
A little re-cap of what we've focused on so far:
- We ARE the decisions we make
- A character is what he DOES
- Listen to your writer
We will surely be telling better stories with our lives by the end of this summer! It's exciting stuff!
Our wining Teams for week:
Noon: Team "Working Our Way Toward Bling, Booty Jeans" Diane and Wendy with a 1.98% of weight loss for the week!
6 PM: Team "Second Chances" Peggy and Debbie with a 2.94% of weight loss!
Congratulations to you all!!
Our first Water Bottle Winners with the greatest individual % of weight loss went to Diane L. at Noon and Gordon R. at 6! You guys rocked it!! Good job!
Listen to week #1 "Understanding Your beliefs ~ The Key to Permanent Weight Loss," and do the homework provided.
I'm hoping to hear from you this week on Face Book and by email about 'listening to your writer.' It can be a powerful motivation as we strive to live a better story.
Until next week...
Always encouraging you,