Friday, July 17, 2015

All Day Every Day!

"All Day Every Day"...Our mantra for the summer Team Challenge emerged yesterday as we kicked off the 26th edition of The Healthy Weigh Team Challenge!  This Summer our theme is "Live Your Best Life." We weighed in 75 excited teams, took their before pictures and announced them by their team names!  I'm still amazed that after 26 challenges we've got so many never before used team names!  We've got some creative people participating this summer!

We've also got some serious people participating this summer.  Living your best life is no easy task but I looked into the eyes of 150 people yesterday who are ready to live a better story. Lives are going to be changed forever this summer, children are going to have healthier parents, husbands are going to have happier wives, wives are going to have more confident husbands, the prescription drug companies are going to make less money, the goodwill is going to get a lot of donations, TJ MAXX and Ross dress for less are going to have more customers, running shoes are going to get more wear, friends are going to be made, and did I say…lives are going to be changed forever??? The Healthy weigh is going to be involved in a really good story this summer!!

This Team Challenge is all about a great story… and here’s the thing about a great story…If you've read a really great book, it’s not about a person who woke up one day, her pants were tight, so she went on a diet…followed through with it and then at the end of the book bought a new pair of jeans in a smaller size.  You wouldn’t put that book down after you'd read it and say, that was the best story I have EVER read! You’d probably say, that was uninspiring, boring and I never want to read that story again!

No a really great story, a meaningful story, would be about a person who over came great obstacles, challenges, to start living their best life.  A great story would be about a person who had difficulties, hardships, almost lost their way, and then made a choice to stand up and say, I want to live a better story.  I want my life to have meaning. I want to be healthy and whole from the inside out.  I want to take care of me so I can contribute something great to the world.

We’d watch the character in the story almost give up, struggle to find meaning, and then, come out of depression, indifference, or a hard season and over come!  We'd watch them find healing, health, peace, joy, laughter, and strength!  At the end of this story we’d be crying and we’d say, that was the best story EVER and I’m going read that book again! The problem is…we love stories like that, with a character who overcomes…we just don’t want to be that character. We don’t want to have to be the one that transforms, because transformation is HARD!!!  But you know what??? It makes for a really great story…and it makes for an even BETTER life!!

If what we choose to do with our lives won’t make a great or meaningful story, it won’t make a great or meaningful life either.  Every story must be written…and the truth is, you are writing your story right now. The life you’re living, the actions you’re taking every day are telling your story.

This team challenge is about changing the way the story ends. We all have the opportunity, the chance to do that! I’m hoping there are some people in this challenge that will go from a dark place, maybe almost giving up, depressed or worse, indifferent…and overcome! The smaller pair of jeans in that story would be just fine…I just believe that in the next ten weeks the stories are going to be much better than a new pair of jeans.

We talked about the one thing that will make ALL the difference in this next ten weeks. The ability to harness the power of a decision!  At The Healthy Weigh, we know the true meaning of the word DECISION...committing to achieving a result and then cutting yourself off from any other possibility!  I did my best to inspire our teams to do just that! 

I threw out our first two challenges for this ten weeks:
1. Decorate your folders (create, inspire, use your folders as a motivational tool)
2. Keep your food and exercise record all week and bring it back in for a chance at a great prize!

I also announced that the coveted Healthy Weigh water bottle will be a weekly prize given to the top person at noon and 6 PM each week with the greatest % of weight loss!!!  This will be fun!!

We are on our way to re-writing our stories and living our very best lives...It's going to be a powerful ten weeks.  ALL DAY EVERY DAY!!! :-)

Always encouraging you,

1 comment:

Cherie said...

This is so inspiring. Letha you obviously know how to motivate and build fires under us. Thank you for your supportive and caring nature.