Wednesday, November 3, 2010


You've all heard of "No Shave November?"...neither had I until my son went away to college! The things our tuition dollars buy!! :-) No Shave November has been celebrated for years all over the country. Young and old men alike, make a pact to go without shaving the whole month of November!
Why? Who knows!!

Well, I'm always looking for ways to inspire the clients participating in the Team I came up with our own version of "No Shave November"'s called "NO CAVE NOVEMBER!" That's right...we're not going to cave in this November.No matter what you've done so far in the Team Challenge, you have an opportunity to hit it hard this month and step into December feeling amazed and proud of your accomplishments! We're not caving into society's unhealthy November eating habits. We're not caving into friends and family that sabotage us, we're not caving into discouragement, or frustration, or lack of motivation. Oh it's on "NO CAVE NOVEMBER!!"
Why? Because we are a community of people living our best lives right now, today. We will use any opportunity to make the right choice and be healthy! That's why!

Every Client who weighed in yesterday received a NO CAVE NOVEMBER graph that will be used as a great visual to keep track of their weight loss for these next 5 Tuesdays in November. The exciting announcement was that the Team Challenge participant with the greatest % of weight loss during the month of November will receive the best prize of all...Healthy Weigh For Life!... as Glenda asked..."Is that worth playing for?" Oh yea!

Not only was Tuesday a day to kick off a new contest within a contest, but it was a day to focus on one of the great lessons of celebration, The Daffodil Principle.
The clinic was decorated like a daffodil garden and we heard the great story that inspired us to move toward our goals and desires one step at a time,
(often just one baby-step at a time),learn to love the doing, and use the accumulation of time. When we multiply tiny pieces of time with small increments of daily effort, we too will find we can accomplish magnificent things. We can change our world.

At Noon, We celebrate with our winning team 'Shrinking Sisters' with a weight loss % of 1.30 for the week! Congratulations Wendy and Krista. You girls are looking great!

Five O'clock brought more weight loss and more enthusiasm. Team 'Thin It To Win It' took the win with a 1.97 %. Christie was lovin' on her partner Amy after their team was announced!

Our 6:30 group hosted the top team of the day! Team 'Lovable Curmudgeon and his Redneck Betty' won for the week with a 2.11% of weight loss. Jeff and Jessie are going to look great sporting their winning banners to church on Sunday!

Our Teams were gifted this week thanks to two Team Challenge participants that donated money last week. Thanks to the love and support of these clients, all three teams won a prize this week!

I can't forget to talk about the outstanding effort of the "Not one stinkin' Piece" challenge! Not one piece of Halloween candy...that's what I'm talking about! Wow...GREAT job you guys! So many of you followed through and the 137 pound loss for the week proved that you did it!

Plant those daffodil bulbs! Put those in the ground and look forward to spring when they rise up and say..."Congratulations on your weight loss."

Another fun and successful week of the Team Challenge is behind us...but NO CAVE NOVEMBER is ahead of us and it's going to be great! I'm looking forward to some great weight loss next week.
Until then, post comments on this blog, encourage each other, and we'll see you next week.

Always encouraging you,


Pam "Itsy Bitsy" Michalios said...

No Cave November. The fall just won't be the same ever again! Writing down my weight was very hard to do, but with the understanding partner I have, we talked it out! The graph will be sooo fun to fill in! The rewards are limitless.

Jackie Baker said...

Leatha, I made the cranberry chutney as soon as I got home and put it on my grilled chicken salad. YUMMY. I'll make it again and again.

Anonymous said...

The thought that I can win Healthy Weigh for life has super-energized me! I am soooo out Old Dogs and Kickin it with Kankles...I am on my weigh down!

Anonymous said...

Weigh to go, HW. Dangling THW for Life has me readjusting my own belief system. I do believe my gasp was the loudest heard when the announcement was made.

Winderdoodle said...

So sorry I missed the weigh in. I really should have gone as I think my spirit would have been revived by the talk and team power. Oh the choices we make ... regardless, I happen to have some daffodils at home that I'll plant and thankfully I remember this story well from hearing Letha relate it before. I'll hold onto that and make this week ... and all of November ... successful! See you all next week!


Anonymous said...

Hello Letha,
We have had a great week despite both of us getting sick. Patty was quick to point out, You know you are on program when the battery in your food scale dies!

Team Gazelle