Congratulations to our winning Team of this Summer 2014 Team Challenge. Kelly and Amy were "Foley Loaded" when they left the building last night...they were $1000 richer!!
Kelly and Amy, Team "Foley Loaded," said last night..."If nothing changes, nothing changes." How true that is, however they did a lot of changing in this last 10 weeks! In just 9 weigh ins these two lost 80 pounds between the two of them! They were pretty excited when they received the $1000 cash prize for having the greatest % of weight loss! (17.00%) Congratulations to this mother and daughter team!
Besides giving away prize money to the top three teams and awarding two 100 dollar bills to two lucky winners of the 2.5 pound drawing, we celebrated much more Thursday at our Grand Finale! So many of our travelers made the 20, 30, 40 and even 50 pound clubs... and many more were REALLY close to that 20 pound mark!
We closed out this powerful Team Challenge by looking at how we can apply these very
important 7 DECISIONS into our everyday life! Learning about them will do little to change us...applying what we learned is the key!
We also heard from our travelers and they gave testimony to what the last 10 weeks have done for them! Life change happened from the inside out for this great group of travelers!
Here's a look at our top three teams!

"The In-Law Way" Karen and Charlene
2nd place with a % of 15.02 of weight loss
"The Shrinky Dinks" Thor and Gina
1st Place with a % of 17.00 of weight loss
"Foley Loaded" Kelly and Amy
We had some great individual accomplishments too!
Top weight loss for a male
Thor S. with 53.6 pounds and 19.73%
Top weight loss for a female
Kelly F. with 48.9 pounds and 19.63%
Congratulations go out to all the travelers that started and completed this summer Team Challenge!
It's always hard to say "goodbye" to a Team Challenge! This one especially. We have been in hot pursuit of a better life and we found it along the way! "The Travelers Gift" was a wonderful theme to focus on this summer! It will be a season I won't forget!
Congratulations to all our travelers who stayed the course and followed through until the end! We close out this "book" and are eager about learning more this fall about losing weight, and keeping it off for life!
Until then,
Always encouraging you,