Wednesday, August 8, 2012

London's Got Wenlock...We've Got Glenlock!

We had a little fun looking back at some of the "adorable" mascots of former Olympic games.  London is sporting two funny looking characters this year...Wenlock and Mandeville...but we've got our own adorable mascot, "Glenlock!"  I introduced Glenda this week to begin to teach us and review with us the homework that our teams will be working on for these Olympic Games. She did an excellent job helping us understand that our beliefs about ourself and those things around us have EVERYTHING to do with us losing our weight and keeping it off!  I look forward to her teachings in the weeks to come!

We celebrated with winning teams this week and were sponsored by Annie B. and Tobey G.  Thanks you two for gifting our winning teams with the very cool Pampered Chef pineapple cutter AND a fresh pineapple! What a great gift!  At Noon team '50/50' took the win with a 2.01 % of weight loss!  Michelle and Jennifer are keeping their word about losing 50 pounds in this team challenge! They both had a great week! At 6, for the second week in a row, team 'Skinny Up' took the win!  Tony and Jessica, I'm proud of you guys  for winning  the second week in a row and having a weight loss of 2.09%!  Since they only need one pineapple cutter in their home, they donated the other one to the second place team 'No Silver Just Gold'  Good job Susan and Cayah!

Glenlock focused on beliefs systems Tuesday, while I spoke on the power of decision! It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently...and what precedes all of our actions? A decision!

Our decisions, not our conditions, determine our destiny!

I encouraged our Olympians to make decisions...lots of them! I reminded them that when a decision is made, in a moment...just like that...everything changes! No matter where you are today, how long you've been there, how many times you've disappointed yourself, make a decision TODAY that puts you on a new path moving in a new direction. I challenged our teams to realize that the decisions they make, even about what they eat, will affect generations to come!

Your Challenge for the Week:
Listen to week # 2 "Change Your Thinking~Change Your Life" and do the homework provided. Bring that back next week for a ticket in the drawing.

Have a great week making decisions that will affect every area of your life!  Live a week with the Olympic spirit inside of you!

Always encouraging you,

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