Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Welcome aboard The Healthy Weigh DINAMI!

We set sail yesterday for the cruise of a life time!  We're embarking on a ten week adventure that is guaranteed to be educational and promises to be life changing! Every passenger aboard this vessel will determine what kind of voyage it will be.

As the passengers boarded the ship yesterday, they were greeted by the crew, met the Cruise Director, Glenda McCoy, had their first ship board photo taken and were introduce to the rest of the passengers! We've got some creative team names that will keep us smiling for the remainder of the cruise. Here's a few of my favorites.

"Hips, Hips Aweigh"  "Cast A Weighs"  "Knot Turning Back"  "Chicks Ahoy"  "Uncharted Waters" What fun!
As we pulled away from the dock this week, I asked a couple of very important questions.

1. What are you going to leave behind on the shore to have a life changing 10 weeks?
Some of our passengers might need to leave past experiences or failures behind. Some, old habits. Others might need to leave self doubt or fear on the shore, while others will leave negative thinking or stubborn mind sets. Many of our cruising friends are going through difficulties right now and will need to choose to focus on themselves and let go of the things they can't control in the next 10 weeks.  I challenge our mates to look at the thing or things that have sabotaged them in the past and encouraged them to leave those things behind in this next ten weeks as well.

2. Where are you going?
The first step to ANY change is knowing what you want...knowing where you're going! That's why it's so important to ask that question too. Where are you going? What do you want to accomplish in the next 10 weeks. How much weight do you want to lose, what new habits do you want to form, what life style changes do you want to implement that will be the start of a new bright healthy future?

Our ships name, DINAMI, is greek for Strength and Power! This ship is going to push through the waters and take us places we've never been before! The answers to both of those questions will be the beginning of finding the strength and power necessary to go to new places!

Just as we were finishing up our time together the emergency signal blared and we were strongly encouraged to participate in a mandatory muster station drill! Our crew and passengers moved quickly and orderly through the ship to their assigned muster stations! These muster stations groups will be important as we sail and need support and encouragement. We will also have some friendly muster station competition during these next 10 weeks! While our groups were split in to 4, we practiced one of our favorite Healthy Weigh mantras for this time of year..."NOT ONE STINKIN' PIECE" was the shout out from each muster station! I must say, it was pretty impressive!
When you make a decision and cut off any other possibility...choosing to completely stay away from the halloween candy is the only way to go! Who needs a piece of stale bite size candy with fives grams of fat in it anyway???? Not the passengers of The HealthyWeigh Dinami!!!

We ended out the gatherings with our challenges for the week.
Answer the 2 questions,
1. What do you need to leave on the shore to have a life changing 10 weeks?
2. Where are you going? (What are your goals for the next 10 weeks?)

Bring those back next week in written form and get a ticket in the drawing for you...and your muster station!
Decorate your name, goal weight, inspirational quotes...go for it!
Enter next week being able to say"Not One Stinkin' Piece" and receive another ticket!

As the last gathering came to a close, I heard the ships horn blow and felt the engine start to rumble...we are on our way and I'm excited to experience these next 10 weeks aboard THW DINAMI!

Until Next week.
Always encouraging you,

1 comment:

AL said...

I love it!
This is going to be the best vogue I've ever been on.
I am so glad to be on it w/ my cabin mate, Amy
and the rest of the crew.