Friday, August 30, 2013

Back Packs are LIFE!

This week was all about back packs...not because we're getting ready to send our kids back to school, but because we want to take complete responsibility for our selves, have self control, and own our lives...we want to stay in our own "back packs." Glenda helped us understand what that means related to our healthy eating as well as many other areas of our lives.

Glenda educated us on the difference between living in extremes verses living a balanced life. Being over responsible, trying to control others, and blaming, is "getting into others back packs" while being irresponsible, allowing others to control us and denying our emotions, is "allowing others into our back pack."  Our goal is to live in a balanced place instead of living in either of these extremes.

We learned about the reasons we live in extremes due to feeling powerless, but regardless of what levels of powerlessness we may have experienced in our lives, as adults, we are to be pro-active in living healthy, balanced lives with healthy relationships.
Thank you Glenda for helping us live our best lives!

We celebrated winners of the week along with some great individual weight loss.
Noon: Team "Changed," Kenny and Lynelle, won with a 1.55% of weight loss for the week! Great job on your second win!
6PM: Team "Chafing the Dream", Ashley and Maria, won with a  2.09 % of weight loss for the week! Congratulations girls!! 

We are moving into week 8 of this Team Challenge and into the maintenance stage of CHANGE! We've got two more weeks to stay the course, reach goals and finish strong! Focusing on what we can control and letting go of what and who we can't control will make all the difference in these next two week!

Your Challenge for the week:
Listen to week 4 "Coping Skills ~ Feeling Your Way Through Life" and do the homework provided.

Until next week
Always encouraging you,


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