Friday, February 14, 2014

There's No Quit in ME!

It was good to be back together again yesterday. Two weeks apart is just too long! The snow storm tried slow us down, but when you're on a Northwest Adventure, it just adds to the fun!
We started out our gatherings viewing all the GREAT photos of your snow angels, snowmen, and fun in the snow! I can't remember a time, I've enjoyed the snow more! Way to go northwest adventurers!

One of our very own, Val D. came and gave us a little safety demonstration to help us all be safe on the road during this winter. She was so generous with her time and her gifts.  Thanks Val, for your great information and for giving!

I've been inspired in the last few weeks because of all the champions I've been celebrating! Seahawks winning the super bowl,  Michael Strahan being inducted into the hall of fame and of course Olympians winning gold medals for their amazing athleticism! I've learned lessons from all of them, and tried to pass those lessons on this week at The Healthy Weigh!

"Why not us?" became the mantra of the Seattle Seahawks. "Not if, but WHEN" was the inspiration from Michael Strahan's dad, and "There's no quit in me" runs through the hearts and minds of every Olympian!  What we learned about champions is that they are just like us...they want something really bad and they overcome adversity to get it! What we learn by watching the great that they achieve their greatest accomplishments when they've reached the bottom and have to dig deep to make the decision to keep on going! It's in our moments of decision that our destiny is shaped!

We had some fabulous weight loss over the last two weeks and had a great number of people in the 4 pound drawing for the $100!  Three lucky winters went away a little richer this week! Congratulations to Ginny Ann,  Dawn and Ashley! Your hard work paid off!

We also had drawings for our northwest adventure activities.  Albert won the Fitbit being picked out of a huge number of cards in the outdoor activity drawing and Tom F. won a $25 gift card at Sports Authority for being drawn out of the indoor activity drawing! Someone came by seeing all those tickets on the floor and said "Wow, I wonder how many hours of exercise those tickets represent!?"  What a cool thought!

Our winning teams for the week had some great percentages!

Noon  Team "Secret Ninja's" Jennifer and Kellie won with a 3.52% of weight loss.
5:30  Team "Waist No More" Arlyn and Diana won with a 3.73% of weight loss.
7:00  Team "The M&M Boys" Matt and Mike won with a 3.70% of weight loss.

Congratulations to all of our winners! You persevered through the snow storm and came through it winners!

We are working during this winter team challenge to create compelling visions of who we want to be.  I offer you challenges each week to help you do that!

Your challenge for this week:
1. Do those 5 indoor or outdoor activities
2. Don't eat a piece of Valentine candy
3. Listen to week #2 "Change Your Thinking ~ Change Your Life", and choose one of the tools to keep motivation alive, do it, and bring it back next week for a ticket in the drawing!

On this Valentines day, I can't help but think about LOVE.  Love; a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person or people. I hope you know today and every day that this is my heart towards you. I love you, I want the best for you and I'll always be here to say "I believe in you and ALL that you can become."  Happy Valentine's Day my friends.

With Love and encouragement,

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