Friday, June 12, 2015

Happy Anniversary Healthy Weigh!

We not only celebrated Healthy Weigh's 25th Anniversary today by giving out 25 noon and again at 6, but we celebrated by moving into the next stage of change...Maintenance.
We've had some powerful weeks focusing on the stages of change and here‘s what we’ve learned.

The stages of change need to happen…no matter what kind of change you’re making.

These stages can be represented as a cycle, and it’s mostly suggested that people go through these stages in sequence.  But In reality, people can jump about between stages, go backward and forward, and even be in more than one stage at a time.

The maintenance phase of the Stage of Change involves successfully avoiding former behaviors and keeping up new behaviors. Sustained change…that’s what maintenance is all about!!!
People in the Maintenance Phase constantly reformulate the rules of their lives and are acquiring new skills to deal with life and avoid relapse. They are able to anticipate the situations in which a relapse could occur and prepare coping strategies in advance.

During this stage, people become more assured that they will be able to continue their change.  
Change never ends with  the action stage. Without a strong commitment to maintenance, there will surely be relapse, usually to pre-contemplation or contemplation stage.

When I think about all I’ve taught about change in the last 8 weeks, I've covered a lot.  But if I wanted to make sure I’d given you what I felt was possibly the most important information…especially to stay in the maintenance stage of change it’d be this…
You are what you think!

Your thought life will be be the number one key to you losing your weight and keeping it off for life.

I have observed in the last 34 years in the weight loss business that the quality of peoples thinking leads to the quality of their results.

Poor thinking produces negative progress.
Average thinking produces no progress.
Good thinking produces some progress.
Great thinking produces great progress.

Good thoughts and action can never produce bad results and bad thoughts and actions can never produce good results.

Our thoughts dictate our feelings and our feelings dictate our actions every time!

The question I asked on this 8th week of the Spring Team Challenge was..."Is my desire for success and to improve my life strong enough to prompt me to change my thinking?"

If the answer is yes then these are some practicals ways to start to change your thinking for good!

1. Expose your self to good input
2. Expose yourself to good thinkers
3. Choose to think good thoughts
4. Act on your good thoughts
5. Allow you emotions to create another good thought

If you want to remain in the maintenance stage of change and look back in 6 months with 40, 50, 60 or more pounds off…your thought life MUST be strong, powerful and positive.

You ARE what you think!!!

Our winners for the week: 
Noon: Team "C & C" Cameron and Christina with a 1.46% of weight loss for the week!
6PM: Team "All About That Pace" Colton and Mikaela with a 1.93% of weight loss for the week!

Out HEART winner for the week was Kyla T. with a 2.92% of weight loss for the week!  Great job Kyla!

Your challenge for the week:
  • Download week # 5 "Exercise  and Weight Loss ~ It's a Math Problem" and do the homework provided.
  • Make a list of your Board of Directors or your Dream Team!!
Just a reminder...Glenda B. and my Husband Barry, will be sponsoring the winning teams next week!  $100 will go to each winning Team of the week!  Just an FYI, it might be the week to WIN!!! :-)

You are what you think...You have control over your thoughts...your thoughts dictate your actions! Today was a day of GOOD news at The Healthy Weigh!!!  

Always encouraging you,

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