Friday, August 7, 2015

What Do You Believe?

Summer at The Healthy Weigh is all about living a better story. We spent another week together as we learned more about what it takes to live our very best lives. Writing a better story doesn’t just happen to anyone…if it did, everyone with a little oomph, would be living a better story. But people are not. People are bored with life, unmotivated, just plugging along! Surviving instead of thriving!
Life was meant for more. We were meant for more. We don’t have to live with regret. We can live the life we were intended to live. And that's what we are spending the summer looking at... what it really takes to live our best lives!

I’ve had more than one person this week say, "Letha, why is the second Team Challenge harder than the first?  I’m struggling to stay on program, It’s not as easy this time."

Changing takes time…and that’s why I love you to stick around. If losing weight and keeping it off was as easy as committing to a ten week fun program…we’d all be at goal weight and keeping our weight off for life!
But it’s not…It’s small changes over a long period of time. It’s about digging deep…then going deeper…it’s about peeling back another layer of the onion. 

As we lose the first 30 pounds we are thinking, "yea…I like this." Then we get thinner and it gets scary.
We truly identify with the overweight, discouraged, out of control, disappointed, and frumpy...person more than we do with the slender, enthusiastic, in control, determined, strong, confident, facing his or her fears, person.
And that's why there won't be a team challenge that I won't preach this...
Our beliefs dictate our thoughts which dictate our feelings which dictate our actions.

Letting go of limiting, unhealthy, untrue, beliefs about ourselves is a must to live our very best life! But it can be hard and even scary on a subconscious level!

Think of it this way. Look at our lives like we are hanging from a trapeze. The trapeze bar is our security, our pattern of existence, our lifestyle. Then another trapeze bar swings into our view and we are faced with a perplexing dilemma. Should I relinquish my past…should I reach for the new bar? The moment of truth comes, when we realize that to grab 
ahold of the new bar, we must release the old one.

Your beliefs are based on what you learned growing up…about yourself and the world around you. We live what we learn…not what we are “taught” necessarily but what we learned! The tricky part is to identify your beliefs about yourself, about your relationship with food, and more, and see how those beliefs are playing out in your life. We ALWAYS act out our beliefs, so we've got to understand them to begin to change our actions permanently!

To live our best life, we must look at what we believe, ask ourselves if our beliefs are working for us in every area of our lives, and then have the courage to change them if not!

Our winning teams for the week:
Noon:  Team "Quarter, Dime and Six Pennies" Leigh and Jeana won with a 1.97% of weight loss for the week.
6PM:Team "Flabuless" Kayla and Whitney with a 1.65% of weight loss for the week.

Our water bottle winners for the week were Brittney G. and John C.  Congrats you guys!!

Your Challenge For The Week:

Download week 2 "Change Your Thinking~ Change Your life" 
and do the homework provided


NEXT WEEK… It’s all about Teams! We were not meant to go it alone…We need each other to live our best lives and change our beliefs. So here’s what we’re going to do…there’s one extra ticket for you when you come in and I can see with a glance, that you are a team. Is it a hat? A scarf? A tee shirt, a face painted blue? Tie died hair? A HW tattoo across your forehead? What’s it going to be…How will I know that YOU are a team??? Let’s have some fun with this and show up next week feeling the love!

Living your best's not for the faint of heart, but I'm with you all the way!
Always encouraging you,

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