Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Looky Looky!

We are on the ROAD TRIP of a life time! I can already tell that this group is not going to miss out on any magnificent experience in these next weeks to come! Between Noon and Six, our two groups lost 823.1 pounds this week! That beats a first week record by 28 pounds!

I challenged our groups to "looky looky"...keep alert, notice all the opportunities around them and reach for their full potential in these weeks to come! I have a strong feeling that they are going to do just that!

At Noon team 'Family Thighs' took the first win of the Spring Team Challenge with a 5.02 % of weight loss. This Mom and Son team were excited to take home the "GAS CANS" for the week and the $100! Congratulations Carolyn and Stan! Together they lost close to 25 pounds this week!

Our 6PM group sped down the road with 595.5 pounds lost this week! Team 'Slightly Waisted Again' won with a 5.56% of weight loss! Congratulations to Rosie and Veleta! They represent another family group at our Team Challenge; Aunt and niece! I love seeing family get healthy together!

A special thank you to Glenda Bigalky and Barry Brandenburg for sponsoring our Challenge this week! Winning Teams went home with $100 each thanks to Glenda and Barry's support!

I reminded our team mates that losing weight and keeping it off for life requires a change in thinking! The thinking that got them this far...won't take them further down the road! All the Challenge participants received my CD series this week! The messages on the 6 week series will be life changing for everyone who participates. Which brings me to our challenge of the week.

Listen to lesson #1 on the CD's, then do the "homework" in the first personal control guide! Bring it back into The Healthy Weigh next week to be entered into a drawing!
Decide and commit to fore go any Easter candy! "NOT ONE STINKIN PIECE" is the phrase we'll look forward to hearing next week when you come into the challenge and have accomplished that task!

To our friends up North...We invite you to join us in every challenge! The USA beat you out this week with a % of 2.8, while you all lost 1.4% but the start you all had was great! We love knowing that you are committed to this great ROAD TRIP with us! Keep up the great work and be encouraged that we are with you every mile of the trip!

You're on the road again my friends! It's a new week and we've got a new destination to look forward to! Have a powerful week saying yes to the good and no to the bad! This ROAD TRIP is going to take you places you've only dreamed about!

Always encouraging you.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Incredible evening of learning. Not one stinkin piece of (Easter) candy. Just say "yes" to the good!