Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Talking about PAWS at The Healthy Weigh?

Our focus for the week was PAWS. Not because we have so many animal lovers participating in The Team Challenge, but because we are a community of people serious about permanent change. PAWS...Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome.

After reading an article last week about PAWS, I was inspired to share this very important message. There are two basic stages of withdrawal that people go through when they are working to change a destructive behavior. Acute, which usually last a few weeks, and Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome which can last up to two years. With PAWS you have fewer physical symptoms, but more emotional and psychological ones. PAWS occurs because our brain chemistry is gradually returning to normal or changing. Weight loss happens a lot faster than our brain can change!

One of the keys to navigating through PAWS successfully is to be intentional about self care and rewards. Everything we do, we do out of our need to avoid pain or seek pleasure. The reward system is a CRUCIAL part of changing the way we think permanently to change the way we act in regards to food. We must link pleasure to this new life style, this new way of eating so that we make new pathways in our brain! It is completely necessary to transfer what you believe pleasure was to a new belief system for you to keep your weight off for life!

It's all about we practiced what we preach and rewarded some fine people Tuesday! At noon team 'Dynamic Duo' were excited to take home the dry erase boards and the great lunch bags as well! Ed and Beverly had a great week with a 1.87% of weight loss for the week! Congratulations! Glenda was back so we got to experience her GELT! (Glenda's Extraordinary Living Tips!)Two of our team mates get to do a little shopping at Macy's, because rewards and self-care are what it's about this week!!

At Six, team 'Flaca' was thrilled when they came back from a rough week and took the win for the day with a 2.37% of weight loss! Jill and Jana, you are doing it! Congratulations for staying strong and showing us what you're made of this week! With the evening's weight loss, we lost a total of 172 pounds for the day! It was a great day at The Healthy Weigh!

1. REWARD YOURSELF! and make a list of planned rewards for weight loss and accomplishments!
2. Listen to week #4 of the CD series. 'Coping Skills~Feeling Your way Through Life' and do the homework provided.

It was another important week at our EXTRAORDINARY LIFE Team Challenge! We have a group of people reaching out to change their lives. It's an exciting place to be on Tuesdays!

Have a great week taking the BEST care of yourself and doing GOOD things for you.
Until next week my friends.

Always encouraging you,

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