Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Let the Climb Begin!

How perfect that snow fell over our counties yesterday as we climbed out of our tents at base camp and started the climb to the summit! We missed a few of our climbers because of the snow, but most were able to attend! We weighed in 87 teams yesterday that are ready to go BEYOND THE LIMITS!

With before pictures taken, teams announced and our first challenge given, the teams of the winter BEYOND THE LIMITS Team Challenge are ready to go! It was fun to hear the names of our teams and see some of the creative "outfits" that represented them! I can already tell that this is going to be an epic group of climbers!!!

With enthusiasm levels high and hope even higher we have set out to go beyond the limits. Beyond what we've done before, both collectively and individually. I challenged our climbers to consider what going "Beyond The Limits" would mean to them in this next ten weeks. We all have set limits on ourselves for years. Some limits consciously and others subconsciously. Going beyond the limits is going to be about looking at what you've always done and deciding if you've got what it takes to push beyond that!

For some of our clients that will mean finishing what they've started, for others it will mean making a commitment to the nutritional plan that they've never made before. Others will be pressing into new numbers they haven't seen in years... and along with that comes a new lifestyle that hasn't been lived in years! Going beyond the limits might look like adding regular exercise to a sedentary life, or possibly engaging fully in all The Heathy Weigh has to offer in the next 10 weeks including the challenges and homework, really "working" the program.

For each individual in the room yesterday, going beyond the limits will be their own personal climb! To reach the summit, to do what hasn't been done before, we will ALL need to push beyond our limits!

Ask yourself the question: "What does going beyond the limits look like for me?" Write down the answer to that question and bring it back into The Healthy Weigh next tuesday for a ticket in the drawing!

The journey up this mountain has begun. Lean on each other and believe in yourself and you will go BEYOND THE LIMITS!

Always encouraging you,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for including those "on leave" at this time. Chris G.