Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What's Your World View?

Wow! Week two of this Winter Team Challenge did not disappoint! We started out strong as we pulled away from base camp! Although many of our climbers are still acclimating to the altitude, they still had a GREAT week! Between our noon and 6pm groups we lost over 900 pounds this week! Now THAT'S going beyond the limits!

There was an exciting announcement this week! Our team challenge participants are going to be given the chance to climb a real mountain! Wendy J. is heading up the group that will climb Mt. St. Helens in June. Those who sign up will be training together for the next 6 months to accomplish this great feat! Exciting stuff!!

We also met our very own Sherpa guide to help us with our climb this week. Mingma(Glenda) will be sharing a bit with us each week as we push higher up this big mountain! She challenged us to "do the real work" in the next 9 weeks as we are losing weight so that this journey will truly be life changing!

Our winning teams were excited to receive the "Trophy" for the week, our Beyond The Limits bright red back backs. I'm expecting those packs to be covered with greatness by the time this challenge is over! The two top teams at noon and 6 pm also were sponsored and gifted $100 each by Glenda Bigalky and Barry Brandenburg! Thank you to both of you for showing your support this very first week of this winter Team Challenge!

Congratulations to team 'Fireball' Doug and Arty, for winning at noon with a 5.06% of weight loss for the week! Arty dropped over 17 pounds this week, not too bad!
At 6:00 team 'Thunder and Lightning' went beyond the limits with a 6.68% of weight loss! Peggy and Debbie took a victory lap before they received their back packs! Congratulations you two!

With all the celebrating and fun, we also focused our minds a bit on our world views about food. We all have a world view about things whether we realize it or not. Our world view/beliefs are based on our individual assumptions, our values and allegiances by which we interpret the world around us. It's so important for all of us to evaluate our world views, decide if they are "working for us" and change them if necessary to have our weight loss be permanent! I showed the groups a few images to cause us all to ponder the different world views close to us and far away as well. Our world views will dictate how we think and will always dictate how we act! My desire in the next 9 weeks is to challenge the world views of all the climbers!

We received our ANCHORS for the next ten weeks. A great list of events to promote community and help our team mates stay focused and connected in the weeks to follow. Our very first event is a mall walk this coming Friday night at 5! It will be a great opportunity to meet someone new and burn some calories at the same time! Meet at 5 by the giant chess board in front of Macys!

We're climbing friends! I couldn't be more excited!!!
Here's to another terrific week of self care, life change and Mt. Climbing!!

Always encouraging you,

1 comment:

Abouttime said...

Is it possible to post pictures of the teams with the individual names.