Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Superheroes...Doing the Hard Stuff!

Week number seven of this Super Hero Team Challenge was pretty powerful! We re-visited one of the items on the "willpower booster" list and focused on it this week.  INTERNAL PROCESSING. You have to be a super hero; full of courage, not afraid to look back, and serious about making the future better, to embrace internal processing!

Here's our list of willpower boosters so far:

Internal Processing
Revisit Want Power
Maintain Level Blood Sugar
Avoid Triggers
Complete Tasks You've been reluctant to do

In reviewing this list of willpower boosters, it's easy to identify and embrace many of the things on this list, but internal processing is one that's easy to side step.  We hit it head on this week at The Healthy Weigh! After listening to "Coping Skills" this week on the CD series, it seemed like perfect timing to press into a couple of difficult subjects. Grief and Forgiveness!

Glenda did a beautiful job talking about grief and the importance of it.  We are a society that doesn't grieve well.  We all have loss. Whether we've lost something, or someone...we all need to grieve. Every one of us go about it differently and Glenda helped us all understand that a little better.

Whether you are grieving the loss of a job, the loss of a relationship, or the tragedy of a lost loved one, the journey to grieve is one that you must own. It's your responsibility to do the hard work of grief.

I didn't give much relief when I stood to share following Glenda's serious subject. I shared my personal story of loss and the choice to forgive. It was important for me to share my story in hopes that those attending Tuesday would be empowered to look at their own lives.

If you got anything out of my story, I would want you to remember that many of us have been deemed powerless in our lives. When we experience powerlessness, no matter what the cause, we will do what it takes to "take back that power" and control things in our world that appear to make things better. I spent many years trying to control external things to prevent the feeling of powerlessness. Freedom came for me when I identified my feelings, and choose to forgive.

The work of internal processing isn't easy and it's not for the weak...that's why I knew we could hit it hard this week with this group of super heroes. :-)

Along with the hard work we're doing to increase our willpower, we're celebrating each week too! We've got a ton of clients already in the 20, 30, and 40 pound clubs!  I'm excited to see what these next three weeks will bring!

Our winners for the week are getting used to doing life wearing capes!
Noon:  team "Twice What I Wanna Feed" Amanda and Frank won with a 2.59% of weight loss!
6PM:   team " Captain Jiggy & Boy Bubble Butt" Ruth and Kris won with a 2.15% of weight loss!

Our Super heroes of the week were Frank at Noon and Ruth at 6! Congratulations to you rock stars!!
Our $50 winner for the week came from our 6 PM group! Jennifer D. was excited when I called out her name.  Good job Jennifer!

Listen to week # 5 "Exercise and Weight Loss ~ It's a Math Problem" and do the homework provided.

Thanks for letting me share my story with you this week. The Healthy Weigh is a safe place for me and I hope it is for you as well. I feel a little closer to all of you after Tuesday. If its true that food is food and love is love (which it is) then I'm feeling all filled up this week.
Be courageous my friends. Share your stories, do your work, and be free.

Much love and encouragement,

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