Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Where's There's a WANT, There's a WILL

We're growing our willpower week by week as we continue to learn more about it! This week we were reminded that the level of willpower we all experience is directly related to our WANT power! Knowing what we want and keeping it in the front of our mind makes all the difference! If your willpower is fading, I can guarantee you that your WANT power is too. I challenged our teams to revisit their WANT power as they head into week 4 of this ten week challenge.

We have looked at a lot of psychological and emotional ways to grow willpower, this week we looked at a physical one as well. Low blood sugar levels turn out to predict a wide range of willpower failures. When blood sugar drops, your brain will still favor short term thinking and impulse behavior. Your brains' priority is going to be getting more energy, not making sure that you make good decisions that are in line with your long term goals.

Tips for maintaining a consistent blood sugar level:
Fuel your body with foods that give you lasting energy. Lean proteins, fruits and vegetables
Don't skip breakfast
Carry healthy snacks with you
Don't go too long without eating
Exercise ~ it regulates your body's glucose
Stay hydrated, we mistake thirst for hunger
A very important scientific finding:
This is a little known effect of diet soda that contributes to hunger, overeating and weight gain.  The sweet taste tricks the body into taking up glucose from the bloodstream in anticipation of a blood sugar spike.  You're left with less energy and less self control, while your body and brain wonder what happened to the sugar rush they were promised.  This many be why recent studies show that diest soda consumption is associate with weight gain, and not weight loss. (sad but true) :-) 

Glenda did a great job of helping us understand that what we believe about willpower will dictate how we act it out.  She taught us the great lesson of clustering to determine our beliefs about anything!  She challenged us to cluster "willpower" this week as one of our homework assignments. I look forward to the weeks ahead and the lessons we will learn from Glenda.

We had our very first "threepeat" this challenge! Congratulations to Frank and Amanda for winning the noon time weigh in for three weeks in a row!

Noon: team "Twice What I Wanna Feed", Amanda and Frank won for the week with a 1.70% of weight loss.
6 PM: team "Skinny Minnies", Kathleen and Sarah won with a 2.09% of weight loss for the week!

Our Super Heroes of the week took home the Super hero shirt and yes...Frank did again at noon with 8.9 lbs. At 6, Marci won for the week with 7 lbs!  Congratulations you two!!

We had our drawing for the $50 and the noon time gathering did it again!  Pete T. won for the week! He will be able to use that $50 driving all the way from North Bonneville every Tuesday!

Your Challenges For the Week
  • Cluster willpower, bring it in next week
  • Make a poster/inspiration board/flyer about WHAT YOU WANT! Bring it in next week
  • Download week # 2 "Change Your Thinking ~ Change Your Life" and do the homework provided
  • Lose 2.5 lbs to be entered into the drawing for $50.
Here's to growing your willpower...our list of willpower boosters is growing and we should be getting better and better at it! You've got more than you think you on it this week!

Always encouraging you,

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