Friday, July 19, 2013

Change Happens!

It's official...we're changing! Change happens. Every day. Every minute.
Each moment is different from the other. Few of the changes we experience are in our control, however there are many changes that we have control of. Those are the changes that we will be concerning ourselves with in the next 10 weeks!

It's always exciting to kick off a new season of the Team Challenge. This 17th season is no exception. We weighed in over 70 teams, took our "before" pictures and introduced the teams! (It's still amazes me that you come up with such great new team names)  We got veterans and we've got brand new faces and I'm anticipating great change for both!

We're going to be studying change in the next 10 weeks! The process of changing permanently has been studied and mastered and I am going to guide you through it this summer. We are going to become a group of "self changers."  We are so fortunate to have the support of a team challenge partner and the great support from The Healthy Weigh, however real change is self change. We are going to capitalize on the encouragement from others while we are individually doing the real work to change. Exciting stuff!!!

We reviewed the information in our folders, signed our partnership agreements and then I threw out the first challenges of this Summer Team Challenge.


1. Complete your food and exercise record, write your name on it and bring it back next week to be entered into a drawing for a great prize.
2. Decorate those blue folders! Team names, goal weights, "after" photos, rewards...those are the kind of things we like to see on your folders.  Bring those back in for another chance at a prize!

Make it a great first week on program.  Fresh food, lots of water, get out and take a the things your body will LOVE you for.,Aad we will see you next week! does the body good!

Always encouraging you,

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