Friday, November 8, 2013

Let Go of Tomorrows!

We had some GREAT weight loss today at The Healthy Weigh and we had some GREAT people make new commitments to great weight loss! Greatness is always happening at The Healthy Weigh! This time of year can be difficult for "dieters" and that's why we're making a stand and saying..."We're Not Caving." One day at time, we'll get to our goal and keep it off. And that one day at a time, starts with TODAY!

We've let go of EXCUSES, LIMITING BELIEFS, HOLIDAY HABITS, and this week...we let go of TOMORROWS! Yes...It's all about in this day, choosing to do the right thing TODAY, not tomorrow. We can spend a life time saying "tomorrow, I'm going to do that!"  "Tomorrow, I'm going to conquer this problem." "Tomorrow, I'm going to change my life...tomorrow."

Well, we are finished with tomorrows.  We are ALL about today!! I told the story of Moses and Pharaoh and the plagues that fell upon Egypt!  FROGS were everywhere and when Moses asked Pharaoh, "When do you the frogs to be gone?" Pharaoh answered, "Tomorrow!"  Really??? Frogs covered the land, covered his bed, covered the Nile...and he wanted them gone tomorrow?  How about TODAY?  How about RIGHT NOW!??

We're like Pharaoh sometimes. We have plagues...weight, past pain, insecurities, shame, unworthiness...frogs, I'm telling you, frogs!!  and we say "Tomorrow, I'll do something about them...tomorrow!"  Well, we let go of's all about TODAY at The Healthy Weigh! It's what we do today with our frogs that determine our tomorrows!

Week 5 of this team challenge we celebrated with the winning teams. Thanks to Barry Brandenburg, Attorney at Law and Glenda Bigalky, Counselor extraordinaire, our teams won $100 each!

At Noon, team "P&P aka Pudgy and Pudgier", Kalka and Jerry won with a 2.10% of weight loss for the week!
At 6, team "Shrinky Dinks", Spencer and Jamie won with a 2.71% of weight loss for the week!

Congratulations to our winning teams of the week and all of you who had GREAT weight loss and who had GREAT re-commitments to weight loss!!  We are in a fight for "Healthy Weigh for life and $150 by Dec. 5th...don't let up!!!

Your challenge for the week:
  • Do something TODAY that you've been putting off until tomorrow! Write it down and bring it in to the gathering next week!
  • Download week # 3 "What's in Your back pack, controlling what you can" and do the homework provided.
Make TODAY the best day of your's the only one you've got! Choose to get rid of your plagues TODAY!  Let go of tomorrows my friends...don't be like Pharaoh, choose TODAY!

Always encouraging you,

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