Friday, November 15, 2013

What's Your MOTIVE?

Sometimes you need to let go...other times you need to hold on! We have spent the last 4 weeks letting go of excuses, limiting beliefs, holiday habits and tomorrows. This week we held on tight! Losing weight and keeping it off surely can be, and will be accomplished by letting go of the things we've already focused on, but I believe that the motivation behind why we want to lose the weight has EVERYTHING to do with our success on the program! This week we looked at our MOTIVES!

As we face this difficult time of year, the motive (the reason for doing something or behaving a specific way) for our weight loss is crucial to hang on to! I believe that the level of commitment to the program is directly related to the level of motivation (motive) we have! I threw out a PRETEND scenario for next weeks gathering! I asked, "If I were to give EVERY client $1000 for following the program 100% this week, for doing the homework suggested and for keeping their program journal, how hard would it be to accomplish?" Then I asked..." and if I added $1000 more for each of you who lost 4 pounds for the week, how many would accomplish that this week?"
We all know that when we are MOTIVATED by something, the work becomes easy! Problem is, I won't be able to offer that to my clients AND the truth is, that kind of motivation doesn't last. The key for permanent weight loss is to dig deep, identify your motives and develop them!

I asked a client this week to write me about her journey...when she is "on program" and doing well, and when she is over eating, gaining weight and not following the program.  Here is what she said...

·     Eating poorly:

"Physically- I have far less energy. I want to sleep a lot more and longer. I'm lethargic and frumpy. My face breaks out and I even look at myself sometimes and notice that the spark in my eyes disappears."

"Mentally - I feel icky. I'd rather hide in my house than do much of anything. I don't want to go on dates with my husband, meet up with friends, or really do much. I am embarrassed of myself and my choices. My clothes don't fit so I've resorted to wearing icky clothes or too tight clothes. I can't wait to get home and put on sweats instead of being comfy in my jeans all day. I get dressed in the morning and am immediately filled with sadness at what I can't wear anymore because looking in my closet is a reminder of where I used to be and where I'm not any longer. I am consistently disappointed in myself and it breeds more bad eating. Like If I eat badly I'll feel better. It's an endless cycle and I can't seem to get myself out of it. It's guilt, embarrassment, shame, lack of self-confidence, and much more all rolled into one."

"One other thought, it really is about being a victim vs. being victorious.  The times when I'm letting my eating get and stay out of control, I'm being a victim to myself.  I WANT it (insert stamping foot here) and thus I am so sad and upset I can't have it so I just go ahead and do it.  I let life and hassles get into my head."

 Eating right:

 "Physically -I have more energy, my face clears up, I'm more active naturally. I want to walk and work out. Taking care of myself feels good."

"Mentally - I feel good about myself and my choices. Even if I "can't" have something, I'm feeling good enough that I don't need it. Clothes are fitting again and/or I need new clothes which is always a good thing. Feeling sexy, smart, healthy, energetic, and almost as if I could conquer the world. Walking into a room and feeling confident, secure, and proud of myself. Knowing I don't need food to feel happy and satisfied. I'm more productive at work and even at home. With more energy, more gets done. I find happiness and value in more things. Optimistic comes to mind. Focus and determination. I want to meet new people, hang with my friends, and be seen. Hiding was so last month! :D I feel good about me and generally that reflects in my relationships too. I don't let other things bring me down as quickly and am far less of an Eeyore. I enjoy life and myself. I can take a compliment and feel good about it instead of shrugging it off and feeling guilty about it. Guilt be gone! I am more likely to get my nails/hair/toes done and be proud of all of me."

“I know we all go through stuff but when I'm doing the right things for myself, those  hard things happen outside of me and I process through them."
Powerful stuff... that I'm sure MANY of the clients sitting in the room could identify with! A special thank you to this client who was willing to be so vulnerable with all of us! It wasn't hard to see her motive...what's yours?
Our winning teams for the week are not caving, that's for sure! As we head into week 2 of "NO CAVE NOVEMBER," I'm sure these teams are feeling pretty excited!
Noon: Team "Cutting Loose" Darcy and Lynne won with a 2.64% for the week!
6PM: Team "Fresh Start" Debbie and Peggy won with a 4.73% of weight loss for the week!  Congratulation to you four woman!!! Great job this week!
  • Download week #4 "Coping Skills ~ Feeling Your Way Through Life" and do the homework provided.
  • Find your MOTIVE!
  • Bring a "Sharpie" in with you next week!
Letting go and holding on tight, both necessary to accomplish the great things in life!  My hope this week is that you were inspired to dig deep, find your motivation and hold on tight!  We've got 5 weeks to go and "We're Not Caving!"
Always encouraging you,



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