Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Who's Interested in a Little Glory?

I'm on a celebration HIGH!! Tuesday was another one of those celebration days at The Healthy Weigh! When you get a group of people together pursuing the same goal, the outcome is always fantastic! The terrain's getting steeper, the oxygen is less abundant, the climate is harsher, but that's not stoping this powerful group of people from continuing the climb to the summit of Mt. Everest!

At Noon we congratulated yet again, another one of our beautiful clients hitting her 100 pound weight loss mark. Congratulations to Kimberli Z. for the great work you are doing to change your thinking and change your life! The 6 PM group didn't want to be left out so Liz C. met her 100 pound weight loss goal too. We are so proud of both of these women! You are an inspiration to us all!

We were excited to have 3 of our Alumni at the 6 PM gathering sporting their 1/2 marathon medallions! Congratulations to Patty, Val and Jill for this great accomplishment! Between these three girls, about 165 pounds have been lost! They are living a new reality because of the choices they began making some months back! You are leading the way!

Our winning teams of the week were 'Pirates of the Caribiners' with a 2.53 % of weight loss for the week and 'Sister Act' with a 1.98%! Congratulations Jeremy & Kimberli (husband and wife) and Angela & Victoria (sisters) for your strong finish this week! It was a family affair this week at The Healthy Weigh!

We are at a critical place in this pursuit of the summit! it's going to take some internal climbing gear to go the rest of the way up this mountain. Courage, belief in yourself, a vision of what's at the top and an attitude that NEVER GIVES UP! I reminded our teams that our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. That's where the glory's found and this group is all about the glory!

YOUR CHALLENGE FOR THE WEEK: Listen to week #5 "Exercise and Weight Loss ~ It's a Math Problem" and complete the homework provided. Be prepared to verbalize your maintenance calories next week when I see you again!

Every Team Challenge, (and this is # 11) takes on a personality of their own. This group has impressed me with their never ending support of each other. As we get closer to the top of this mountain, I'm sure the reason we'll make it is because of the strength and encouragement of our fellow climbers!

At noon Tuesday, a couple came to check out the Team Challenge. They sat in the back and observed for the hour. When it was over they came to me and said "Wow, this was really something...but it's obvious that all these people know each other." I smiled and said, "They didn't six weeks ago." I guess that's what happens when you come together and conquer a become family!

I'm looking forward to seeing the glory in the next 4 weeks! Rise up my friends, we've got a summit to reach!

Always encouraging you,

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